Ennui and Christmas: A Reflection on Existential Emptiness in Times of Consumption

We live in an era marked by Ennui, that deep sense of tedium that arises not only from boredom but from an emotional and existential disconnection that makes it difficult to find purpose or satisfaction. This syndrome, which seems to be a hallmark of modernity, becomes especially pronounced during times like Christmas, when society pushesContinuar Leyendo

La Sostenibilidad desde una Perspectiva Financiera y Ambiental:

La Sostenibilidad desde una Perspectiva Financiera y Ambiental: Cambios en la Auditoría con las Normas NIIF S1 y S2 La sostenibilidad ha evolucionado más allá de la selección de materiales ecológicos y la reducción de desechos en el diseño, para convertirse en un componente estratégico que integra consideraciones financieras y ambientales en la evaluación delContinuar Leyendo

How to Create and Manage an Effective Family Budget: A Step-by-Step Guide

. Track All Your Income The first step in creating an effective family budget is to accurately track all sources of income. While it may seem straightforward, many families overlook the importance of diligently monitoring how much money comes in each month. Here’s how to get started: 1. Identify All Sources of Income Gather informationContinuar Leyendo

Step Into Discomfort: The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential

Hello! If you’re looking for that push to get something done, let me tell you one thing: Don’t wait until you feel ready, because action always comes first. As the famous philosopher Seneca once said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” And those opportunities arise when you dare to move, even when youContinuar Leyendo


Es natural sentir un profundo compromiso con tu trabajo. Después de todo, pasamos una parte significativa de nuestras vidas trabajando, desarrollando habilidades y contribuyendo al éxito de la empresa. Sin embargo, hay una línea delgada entre amar lo que haces y volverte demasiado apegado a tu trabajo. Esa línea puede marcar la diferencia entre unaContinuar Leyendo