Tu entorno importa muchísimo

En cualquier equipo de trabajo, un pequeño problema que no se detecta ni se resuelve a tiempo puede convertirse en algo mucho más grande. Un «elemento contaminante» puede ser cualquier cosa que afecte la dinámica, la productividad o la moral del grupo. ¿Qué puede ser un elemento contaminante? Si no se actúa a tiempo, losContinuar Leyendo

«Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most»

The phrase in the image: «Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most» holds a deeply personal meaning for me. It’s more than just an inspiring thought—it’s a principle that defines who I am and has guided me throughout my life. This same value is represented in the logo ofContinuar Leyendo

Reflexión sobre las Promesas Laborales y la Realidad Organizacional

En el ámbito laboral, las expectativas y promesas planteadas durante el proceso de contratación son fundamentales para construir confianza entre la empresa y el empleado. Sin embargo, el texto expone una realidad común en muchas organizaciones: la discrepancia entre las promesas hechas y las experiencias vividas por los empleados. 1. Oportunidades de crecimiento:Prometer desarrollo profesionalContinuar Leyendo

La Importancia de un Buen Clima Laboral y su Impacto en las Empresas

El clima laboral es uno de los pilares fundamentales para el éxito y sostenibilidad de una empresa. No solo impacta directamente en la motivación, productividad y bienestar de los trabajadores, sino que también influye en la percepción externa de la organización, su capacidad para retener talento y, en última instancia, su desempeño financiero. El ValorContinuar Leyendo

Dare to Set Boundaries: The Power of Caring for Yourself

«Setting boundaries is an act of courage, it’s choosing yourself even when you’re afraid of disappointing others.» — Brené Brown For many years, I thought setting boundaries meant pushing people away. I believed that saying «no» was selfish and that it would harm my relationships. Especially during adolescence, being part of a group seemed essentialContinuar Leyendo

Whether we like it or not, remote work is here to stay!

Remote work offers numerous advantages for both employees and businesses: For employees: For businesses: Those who fail to see the advantages of remote work are simply making excuses to keep employees in a 20th-century work model. Important Note: Yes, indeed, not all jobs can currently transition to remote work; however, for the roles that can,Continuar Leyendo

The Power of Positive Feedback and Constructive Feedback in Work Teams

Feedback as a Strategic Pillar of Continuous Improvement

Positive and constructive feedback, whether from managers, employees, or peers, is essential for development and ongoing improvement within organizations. By fostering a culture of open, honest, and respectful communication, teams can enhance performance, improve job satisfaction, and strengthen relationships.

Embrace feedback as an opportunity for growth and development. When given and received appropriately, it becomes a powerful tool for boosting productivity, satisfaction, and team cohesion.