The Power of Patience: Learning to Grow Through Time and Adversity

My near-death experience gave me a completely different perspective on life. Before that moment, I was very focused on results, on how quickly I could achieve my goals, as if every misstep or delay meant failure. But that experience showed me just how fragile and fleeting time truly is, and it taught me something profound about patience.

When I faced the real possibility that everything could end in an instant, I realized that trying to speed up the course of things is like trying to control the uncontrollable flow of time. That experience made me feel as if I were watching a giant hourglass, where each grain of sand fell at its own pace, and there was nothing I could do to change it. It was then that I understood life, like that hourglass, follows its course no matter how many times you try to shake it or rush it.

This moment of near-death taught me that success, much like life, cannot be rushed. We often become so focused on the destination that we forget to appreciate the journey, to understand that obstacles and waiting periods are part of the process. I learned that patience isn’t just about waiting; it’s about making the most of every moment, every lesson, even when it feels like we’re not moving forward.

Since then, I’ve developed a more calm and steady approach to personal and professional growth. I’ve realized that great achievements are not built overnight and that every small step forward is meaningful. Patience has allowed me to free myself from the anxiety of needing immediate results, and instead, I now enjoy the process of learning, the small victories, and the lessons that come with every challenge.

Perhaps most importantly, I’ve learned that patience strengthens my ability to endure. Life is unpredictable, and there are times when things simply don’t go as planned. However, thanks to that life-altering experience, I now understand that every obstacle I face is an opportunity to grow, to reflect, and to get closer to my goals, no matter how long it takes.

For me, patience is not just a virtue, it’s a way of life that allows me to embrace uncertainty, value the present, and trust that everything will come in its own time. I’m no longer in a rush because I know that success isn’t measured by how quickly it is achieved but by the depth of growth and the experiences we live along the way.

In the end, what I’ve come to understand through this journey is that, above all, our trust must be placed in God. While patience teaches us to value time and resilience, it’s our faith in Him that truly gives us strength. No matter how uncertain or difficult the path may seem, I know that God has a plan, and in His perfect timing, everything falls into place. Patience is not just about waiting—it’s about trusting in God’s wisdom and believing that He is guiding every step.

As Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us:
«Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.»


Jorge Gutiérrez Guillén

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